Wednesday 25 February 2015

A Very Big Morning (Writing Test)

Last night I went to bed very, very late. It was Christmas Eve of course, we’ve been watching movies and I just couldn't stop thinking about all that yummy roast ham, and what goodness I’m going to have. Do you know the main reason we celebrate Christmas? We christians celebrate it for Jesus, little baby Jesus was born on Christmas day, that is why they call it Christ - mas. So when you put a sign up for Christmas remember not to put Xmas on it!

As soon as my eyes opened I felt alive, like I've slept for many, many years. I got out of bed with a smile on my face and I was ready for today. So I crept up the stairs and saw that my stocking was filled with yummy foods and a bonus Fanta (drink). The Christmas tree, under it was filled with presents of all sizes, medium size ones, Big ones, and even teeny tiny ones. I just couldn't stop myself from digging into my stocking. There were mango's, Nectarines, Chocolate, Candy and of course the Fanta.

When the family got up we all took turns at opening presents, it was so much fun! Then it was my brothers and I’s turn, we had no clue of what was going to happen until… “Ready, Set, G…” before mum could say “go” we opened it, and it was a race to eat whatever was inside it. If you know my family one of our personal favorite things to make someone eat is dry Weet Bix. so the challenge was on, our best eaters in our family is our cousin Jonte. He eats them for breakfast everyday. So I’m eating and the other boys are watching but that meant I was the winner because I actually ate mine. Well the other boys did with butter, dont you think that’s a little bit of cheating?

So now down to our final presents who shall get to have there’s first, or shall I say last, Mwa ha ha ha! I was last, but you know what they say, “Lucky last”. I got an Xbox game! It was wicked, the game I got was Fifa 14 for only $14! Now that’s cheap, My Younger two brothers got a controller which is kind of cool, and my older brother got a game as well called, “The Lord of the Rings”!

So that was how my Christmas went, it was fun and all but there’s still the night to come. That is where I will talk about that roast ham that I had, and it’ll be delicious, mm I’ll talk about my robot Helicopter that I got! Don’t forget what I told you about the Christmas and Xmas thing! It is very, very important. If you read the whole thing you get - 5 Points, if you only read ¼ of it you get - 4 Points. If you read ½ of it you shall get 3 points, and if you only read the teeniest tiniest bit you will only get - 2 Points. So how many points did you score? Comment and tell me.

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