Thursday 6 November 2014

My Lunch Today Was... (Nek Minute)

I Had KFC for lunch today(NOT). Has Anything made you wonder where the chicken came from. Well my opinion was that they were native and lived in New Zealand. But they aren't. They're actually based in Polynesia. A lot of people I found out thought is was from South America? But what happened is the Polynesians sailed to South america and dropped off some chicken and picked up the Kumara and left.

Monday 3 November 2014

Taniwha Task

The story is all about maori cave art and history. It has a lot of sacred and precious history that is getting cleared away. We need to try to keep it going for as long as we can. Saint Josephs School in Orakei have been taken on a field trip to the Opihi Valleys to learn about Maori cave art. The principal tells the constructor that the kids don't know enough history about Maori cave art.

The Robocup