Tuesday 17 December 2013

My Rap

When you use fertilizer make sure after you use your hand sanitizer. Cutting down trees for a view may be nice but then you will find the consequences of life.

Farmers destroy habitats for eels and whitebait that make topographers faint.
farmers get rid of trees for paddocks to be clear but with flair.

farmers grow food pork and meat but if they get hungry hopefully they don't eat my feet.

My Netbook Reflection 2013

How has having a netbook connected to the internet helped my learning this year?

  • What special thing have you learnt from your teacher this year? How to measure the area of a triangle and a square.
  • What significant thing have you learnt all by yourself - maybe online. How to make improper fractions into proper fractions example: 1⅖ (proper fraction)is the same as 7/5(improper fraction).
  • What have you learnt from your friend this year. I’ve learnt how to read with expression.
  • What have you learnt from someone outside of your classroom this year (ie not teacher or classmate).
  • How have you helped other kids learn this year. By helping them with their reading that we did this year.
  • How have you grown your key competencies through using digital tools this year.

This year MR Marks taught me how to measure the area of a triangle and a square. One thing that I learnt all by myself is how to make improper fractions into proper fractions example: 1⅖ (proper fraction) is the same as 7/5 (improper fraction). Some things you Just know but some things you need help with and what is a better way to need help than to have help from a friend. What I've learnt from a friend this year is how to read with better expression.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Please Can I Be An Ambassador

The reason why I would like to be an ambassador is because I think that I can talk with expression and I am not shy. I have presented on PENN, in class movies, the school production and shared my learning with my peers. I can improvise and fill in for people like I've done on PENN.

I would like to travel around New Zealand and meet new people and get to know them. I can get to school on time and I love my learning now and I'm stuck into reading and maths.

I think I'm good for the job because well because I think I'm good with words and another reason is because all the rest is probably in the first paragraph. The other thing is my mum will be mad with me if I don't make it in.

Learn create share is the way to go at school it's where we do our learning on, here is a link to my Maths DLO. Here is another link to my writing about a fox and a farmer. In extension it is cool because the extension kids have heaps of fun with Mrs Tele'a this link is to show you how Halloween came to be. 2013 has been a great year it has been cool because chrome books are the newest thing yet to come but I've  seen these new laptops maybe you could create a laptop some day. (Fingers and toes crossed hopefully i will be an ambassador).