Thursday 16 June 2016

Alma (writing)

Listen don’t watch:
Music notes, trumpet, melody, footsteps in snow, dancing, heavy and light footsteps, bell, two people challenging to impress the girl to give them money, whistle, a thud, a door screeching, water drops, bird singing, smacking, small melody, creepy music, ghostly music, ball bouncing, a ghostly shed, someone gasping, heavy breathing, cracks, dancing, back to the start, snowy,

Main points:
  • On the street, write name on blackboard
  • Sees the doll

  • Inside the doll shop

  • Gets sucked into the doll

On the street, write name on blackboard:

Millions of white flakes of snow came glittering down from above. A little girl was strolling down the street in winter gear, no one was nearby. The town looked empty, there were empty houses everywhere. The place in a way looked ‘gloomy’. As Alma waddled down the side path she came across a massive blackboard with so many names all written in white chalk. As Alma looked at the ground she saw a piece of chalk, the same white chalk that the other people had used to write with. So Alma reached for the chalk, she picked it up and, ‘A’, ‘l’, ‘m’, ‘a’ was written on the board (in very good handwriting). Then behind her was a creaking noise…

Sees the doll:

As Alma looked behind her, on a stand she saw a doll. But this doll looked just like her. She walked with steady steps toward what looked like a shop, with hundreds of dolls inside it. But where’s the shop owner? Clearly Alma wasn’t thinking this. She got drawn closer to the shop, and as she took a close look at this strange life like doll, It was wearing the exact same things Alma was wearing, from Alma’s jacket to her little gloves. It was like Alma forgot everything that was going on except for the doll. Then Alma backed away from the window and walked over to the door, “OH NO”, were the words screaming through my head. Why would she open a door just to get a freaky doll. Then Alma reaches to grab the handle, she grabbed it then with a creaking noise pulled it down, “no, no, no”. But luckily the door was locked. Alma tried again and again until she realized it’s pointless. Just as she’s about to walk away she stepped in the soft and powdery snow. She curled the snow into a little ball, and thrusted it at the door then stormed off. Then something made her stop, Alma turned and suddenly the door was unlocked and drifting open…, This is the link to the video we watched. Hope you enjoy!

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