Thursday 11 February 2016

The Lake Monster (narrative)

There were stories about a terrible river monster that lived in the Taupo river. It loved feasting on people who swam or kayaked in his waters. But this story didn’t worry 2 brothers Zack & Max who loved to go on new adventures. They grew up hearing of this Myth, and from then on they wanted to find and destroy this horrible beast. so one day they got into a 2 man kayak and started paddling with their spear guns close by, just incase the beast decided to show itself.

When they got to the middle of the lake they saw two stranded kayaks. The two brothers thought it was strange to leave two brand new kayaks in the middle of the lake. Then suddenly there was something in the water. It moved swiftly through the water with its sharp and scaly skin. Then it went under the boat. The boys were worried that the beast would bring them under. But then the 2 brothers saw something under the water. It was two people who were stuck. luckily they had scuba gear on or else they would have died long ago. But they didn’t have long, the beast would soon get a good grip on them and have lunch. The two brothers seized their weapons and dived down to cut the stranded scuba swimmers out of the monster's grasp.

But as Zack and Max got closer Zack realised something, the monster that everyone grew up hearing about was actually seaweed. That explains the scuba gear. The two people who were on the kayaks, were going fishing and got stuck in the seaweed. When the two brothers brought the divers back to their kayaks, the divers said thank you and then left with their kayaks and never saw the two brothers again. Then when Zack and Max went home they told everyone about their adventure with the terrible lake monster (not). The next day everyone went to see if the brothers were lying or not. But the brothers were right. From then on the 2 brothers, Zack and Max were an insparaition to young kids about being brave.


  1. Good work Jordan I like your Writing. and how you've done your writing at the bottom.

  2. hey smooch pooch brother it's flubchub i really like your smoochy pooch story i like how he gets eaten, wait does he? any ways by yogi poo wait are you ( the song yeah) yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hhhi yeah.


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