Wednesday 15 October 2014

Capitals Correcting

Capitals - what are they and when do you use them in writing?
WALT: Write an explanation telling people what capital letters are and when you use them in writing.

What are Capital letters?
Capital letters are the Upper Case letters in the alphabet. Capitals stretch from the bottom line to the top. Another thing about Capitals is they are not always the same shape as the lower case letters.

Capitals are used for I’s.
Capitals are used for many things but people sometimes find it hard to put I’s in the right place or when they write something like i’ll. For example: It’s I’ll and then if their is something like, i like those buildings. But it’s, I like those buildings. Another thing is I, I’ll and I’ve are all called personal pronouns.

Capitals are used for geographical places.
Another reason we use Capitals is when it’s names for geographical places. By this I mean places in the world. Which are names of countries, cities, continents and oceans like The Pacific Ocean.

Capitals are used for Titles.
Do you remember reading your favorite book or watching a memorable movie or TV show. Capitals have everything to do with Titles, especially for all of those movies and stuff. For example: the movie called The Lego Movie. You need Capitals because it wouldn't make any sense if it was spelt, the lego movie, Don’t you think?

Capitals are used for the date.
Do you know when some people think that even though it’s a different language that the date doesn't have Capital letters in it? Well I’m here to tell you that even though the language is different doesn't mean you take away the Capitals. For example: Monday isn't monday, that means that Rahina (Monday) isn't rahina.

After all that could you please leave a comment fixing up this paragraph; i like my pet panda because it just eats shoots and leaves and it is cuddly it lives in an area at the back of my house the elephant lives next door and it also eats leaves.

This is my marks for para 4.

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