Monday 4 March 2013

Jordan's Story About The Day Things Started Disappearing

This is my writing from the test which I wrote in 40 
minutes without editing.

Suddenly  things started disappearing first the tables then the desks luckily I caught my Net book just before it crashed into smithereens . I wonder what shale go missing next.Guess what it was the Library bang all the books started tumbling down. There must be a mystery in our hands?

Just as I turned to tell Ron about all of this chaos I only saw the wall Ron must have disappeared!!!

I will do a proper finished job next time.


  1. Oh my gosh... can't believe you left me in suspense like that - when will I get to hear what happens next? Hope it's soon.
    What an exciting mystery.
    Love mum

  2. FANTASTIC story son, very gripping. What happened to all the stuff? Where did Ron go? Will Ron come back? Does his parent know he's missing? What happens next, tell me tell Dad

  3. love it Jordan! excellent use of vocabulary and no editing now thats just talent right there! and yes what did happen to Ron?? poor Ron!

  4. Amazing job jordon.I hope you get a high mark.
    From Aaron


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