I first went with dad to launch the boat, where we’d ride across the water to meet up with the rest of the family. When the boat is in the water, the gear is in the boat and we have our life jackets on we set sail for the beach across the water. When we meet up with our fellow boaters, My Dad, Anthony offers to take me on a little ride on the Kneeboard. It’s a simple thing really, You start on your stomach, then wriggle your knees into place, adjust the strap, grab the handle and ride the waves. It was so much fun, I fell off all the time, and take my advice, don’t open your mouth when you fall. Because when you open your mouth you swallow a lot of water and it leaves a bad aftertaste.
After the little kneeboard session we picked up mum and two of my brothers and went biscuiting. Mum and Dad never went on the biscuit. The waves were higher than ever, I’d fall off at least every five minutes! When it was just me and my little little brother, the weight was not so even and if we didn’t fall off we’d tilt on a 70° angle which is a little freaky. And as the wind started picking up so did we. We’d start to fly for a few seconds then drop and hit the water, and go back up, then come back down.
At the end of the day we got massive tans, hungry tummies and huge memories. From a hard day's work/fun. Sadly we can’t just go home and relax. We had to wash down the boat and our life jackets. Then we’d have to move the boat back into place and put the cover on it, and finally after all that work we could come inside, have a shower, relax and watch movies and eat till our tummies are full.